The St George Motor Boat Club seeks to ensure that it can contribute to a high quality of life by protecting and enhancing the environment and by supporting the concept of environmentally sustainable practices. The Marina provides valuable support to recreational boating by providing facilities for storing, repairing and maintaining vessels. It prides itself in fostering a positive relationship with the users of its facilities, the community and other industry providers.
The St George Motor Boat Club will ensure that its environmental priorities are included into the decisions relevant to its services and will:
Seek to eliminate the unnecessary use of energy by introducing site-specific practices where possible and ensuring any current practices to reduce usage are relevant.
Avoid waste and encourage the conservation, reuse and appropriate recycling of resources.
Reduce air, land and water pollution in a process of continuous improvement. This will be achieved through containment of run-off from any work undertaken on the slipway, use of appropriate controls to reduce any emissions into the air, adherence to working hours to ensure minimisation of impact of any noise on adjoining properties.
Apply principles of risk management in order to pre-empt rather than respond to environmental problems and apply the “precautionary principle”. This will be achieved through the implementation of a site-specific Operational and Environmental Management Plan.
Promote understanding and participation in environmental issues through education, information provision and consultation with employees specifically, customers, local residents and the community generally.
Review all its environmental practices annually.
Work with industry and other stakeholders at a local level to encourage good environmental practices.
As a companion to the International Clean Marina Program, The St George Motor Boat Club encourages boat owners to practice environmentally friendly boat cleaning and maintenance techniques.
Click here to download information for boat owners.
The St George Motor Boat Club holds Environmental Protection Licence NO 11166. This license is available to view POEO public register click here to view.
Should any member of the St George Motor Boat Club or non-member like to report or to complain about an environmental issue please do so by calling 0409 090 712 or email
To view our Pollution Incident Response Management Plan Click here.
Notification of external parties
The following table outlines the contact details and correct sequence for notification in the event of a notifiable pollution incident.
The Incident Controller will notify Management of the event who will carry out the notifications required by the table below.
Emergency Services (if dealing with an emergency) |
PoliceFireAmbulance |
000 |
Environment Line |
131555 |
Ministry of Health |
Public Health Officer |
Ph: 02 9391 9000 |
WorkCover |
13 10 50 |
George River Council |
Customer Service Section |
02 9330 6400 |
Fire and Rescue |
(to be notified of an incident that is not an emergency) |
000 |
Marine pests are non-native marine plants or animals that harm, or have the potential to harm Australia’s marine environment, social amenity or industries that use the marine environment, if they were to be introduced, established or spread. Not all marine pests are from outside Australia though, with some natives from other regions of our country being transported into NSW putting our marine environment at risk.
How are Pests Introduced?
Marine pests have been introduced into Australian waters in various ways, including in ballast waters, attached to the hulls of international ships, or imported deliberately as aquarium or aquaculture species. An estimated 250 introduced marine species have been introduced into Australian waters in these ways.
What impacts do they have?
Marine pests can have severe ecological and economic impacts. For example, they can take over large areas of habitat to the detriment of native species. Some prey directly on native species or compete with them for food.
Pest species can also cause considerable economic damage. Infestations of marine pests can impact on marine industries, such as aquaculture, commercial and recreational fishing and boating, tourism and even international and domestic shipping. Some marine pests, such as toxic dinoflagellates, can threaten public health.
What can you do to help?
Members of the public, including fishers, divers and members of local environmental groups, are sometimes the first to notice a new introduced marine species or the fact that an existing pest has spread into a new area. This information can be very valuable in helping to manage pest problems.
If you suspect you have identified a marine pest please report it!
Recreational vessel owners can help reduce the risk of introduction and spread of marine pests and diseases by managing the biofouling on their boats. Regularly inspecting your vessel and equipment after each trip, maintaining anti-fouling coating on your vessel hull and keeping records of your biofouling management all help keep your boat and the marine environment safe from unwanted hitchhikers. See the Biofouling Primefact for more on managing biofouling on your boat.
What is NSW DPIRD doing about marine pests?
NSW DPIRD is involved in the implementation of the national Marine Pest Plan 2019-2023 which aims to prevent the introduction and translocation of introduced marine species (by managing ballast water, biofouling and other vectors), strengthen the national marine pest surveillance system, provide a national emergency preparedness and response capacity for outbreaks, support national research and development and engage with marine pest stakeholders.
NSW DPIRD Chairs a multiagency and stakeholder working group that is tasked with providing input into NSW marine pest management actions and to provide a forum to discuss national marine pest policy issues. This group discusses national policy issues and coordinates NSW responses to marine pest or suspect marine pest detections.
NSW DPIRD also has an extensive advisory program to raise awareness of marine pests including how to identify marine pests and how to help prevent their spread. For more information see links below to marine pest publications: