Members meet on the first Wednesday of every even numbered month and prospective members are welcome.
Supper is served after the meeting, which starts at 8pm and usually runs for about an hour. Occasionally the meeting will include a guest speaker.
The Cruising Club also has an active social calendar which includes a Christmas party, group visits to various interesting facilities around Sydney and participation in Parent Club events such as Open Day. Recent group visits have included Vivid Lights Harbour Cruise, Cockatoo Island, The Justice and Police Museum and Wentworth House.
The Cruising Club was formed in 1981 from members of the Parent Club who wished to foster family cruising and social activities. We operate under the auspices of the Parent Club and have a constitution which limits our membership to 45 boats. Cruising Club members must also be members of the Parent club.
The Cruising Club has its own private moorings in the best locations in the bay and along the river up to Cattle Duffers Picnic Point, you can tie up to our mooring for the night and feel safe.
New Members Welcomed – The joining fee is $ 200 per boat and the annual fee is $ 250
Great boating and fellowship, come along and join the Cruising Club
We meet at the St George MBC first Wednesday each alternate month in the Sapphire room, 8pm start