Fishing Club Report 31-5-2015
Tournament Day is the last fishing competition day of the season. 10 fishos braved a rather bleak cold day, with the contest to watch between John R and Frank C as to who would become the next Club Champion.
True to form and name True Blue ventured out the heads to assist John in maximising his chances of becoming the 2014/2015 Club champion. This proved to be a successful venture as John weighed in 6 flatties, giving him 18pts which not only won him the best on Tournament Day but ensured he would be the overall Club Championship.
Frank C rang in at 1.00pm to inform us that he would be staying in the bay for a couple of more hours, so we all presumed that he had not caught a trophy fish.
The winners on Tournament day were as follows: John 1st on 18pts, Bruce 2nd on 17.1pts, Andy 3rd on 14.6pts, Chris 4th on 11.7pts and Anna 5th on 11.55pts.
This past season there has seen a total of 405 fish weighed in, equalling a total of 221.76kgs. Let’s hope for improved weather conditions next season.
Hope to see all of you at our Presentation Day on Sunday 28th June at 12.30pm in the Sapphire Room
Fishing Club Report 17-5-2015
The weather prediction appeared to be favourable for outside fishing, but the crew of True Blue and Frank C can report different circumstances. Apparently outside the heads the conditions were akin to being in a “washing machine”!!!
Fishing in the Bay was calm but the water was still extremely muddy from the recent rain.
Chris won the day with a 76cm flattie caught at Ramsgate. He is to be congratulated as the first club member to take advantage of our Catch and Release Policy, passed at our 2014 AGM. Very simply, if you catch a large fish that you do not wish to take home but would like to gain the points to add to your total then it is a simple 3 step process. 1 Catch, 2 Photo, 3 Release, (CPR).
Thanks to his trusty crew this was accomplished in a timely fashion, photo presented at the Weigh In and Chris gained the correct number of points for a flattie that weighed 3.2kg. See photos attached to this report. Well done Chris.
Should we have a bonus point for using this process, food for thought?
So bait up and see you in 2 weeks for Tournament Day which is our last competition for this season
Fishing Club Report 15-2-2015
14 fishos spent a few hours in the intense heat. Only True Blue ventured outside, but with a swell and strong current the crew had difficulty in holding bottom and only the skipper caught one fish, weighing just 0.65kgs.
Bruce in his wisdom stayed in the river and caught 8 bream, weighing 2.9kgs but he was pipped at the post by Leo who had remained in his usual spot in the bay and caught 7 fish, weighing 4.6kgs.
Thanks to Mark, Sue-Ellen and Marnie for a great lunch.
Let’s hope for better conditions next time so bait up and see you in 2 weeks
1-2-2015 LADIES DAY
A fine sunny day and 7 ladies fished for a few hours in the sunshine.
Winner on the day was Marie with 2.35kgs of fish, just beating Willow who caught 2.2kgs and 3rd Marnie with 0.55kg.
However there was an excellent gathering of about 25 members for the barbecue because this is always cooked by Roy and Steve. They excelled themselves as usual with their spinach dip, prawns, vegetable frittata, great steaks and salads, including beetroot and an orange cake made by Steve. Well done fellas, keep up the tradition.
So bait up and see you in 2 weeks.
Fishing Club Report 18-1-2015
Another fine hot day and let’s hope this continues for quite a while. 11 fishos wet a line, but as per usual some more successful than others.
Leo anchored up in the bay and weighed in a good catch totalling 8.6kg, including this 2.4kg flattie.
Frank C and Terry P, back from holidays, spent quite a number of hours out on the bay, from late sat evening to lunch time Sunday. Just when you thought more than 8 kgs of fish would win the day, Frank weighed in an 8.1kg mulloway and a few small fish to bring his total to 10.45kg.
So bait up and see you in 2 weeks, on 1st Feb, and remember this is Ladies Day.
Fishing Club Report 4-1-2015
First comp day for 2015 and 9 fishos attempted to improve their position on the scoreboard, particularly as Frank C was still on holidays.
8 spent a few hours in the intense heat and sunshine on Sunday, however the 9th fisho, Bruce, fished in the cool of the previous evening up the Georges River at a favourite spot and won the day with 10 fish, totalling 4.15kg. The majority if his fish were excellent whiting, the largest weighing 0.6kg.
Bruce won the day with 24.45 pts, second was Chris with 16.95pts and third John with 15.75pts.
So bait up and see you in 2 weeks.
Fishing Club Report 14-12-2014
Last comp day for 2014 and Frank decided to go fishing at 9.00pm on sat. Initially he had a son for company but even he called it quits in the wee small hours. After a snooze Frank set off again and caught a large groper.
John was keen to head outside so El Capitaine, Chris, obliged even though there was quite a swell. True to current form John came up trumps with a great haul of flatties, we think it may be those coloured beads!!!.
Frank won the day with 14.1kg of fish then John second with 9 quality flatties totalling 12.9kg
Merry Christmas to all and see you in the water on 4th Jan 2015.
Fishing Club Report 23-11-2014
Yet again a fine sunny day but very HOT and outside the Botany Bay heads a sea mist made navigation a little tricky.
5 boats went out, some a little earlier than others, with 12 fishos on board and returned with a total 25kg catch of quality fish.
How unusual to have the winner on the day being Frank C with 4.8kg of fish, then 2nd Steve with 4.1kg and 3rd Bruce with 3.35 kg.
The next actual fishing day is Sunday 14th December, however our next get together is our annual Christmas Party/50th Birthday Party.
So hope to see many of you at both events.
Fishing Club Report 2-11-2014
Well our run of outstanding weather finally came to an end with winds above 20knots predicted for the morning. Frank C, Roy, Steve and Andy all fished off the back of their boats. Bruce fished up the river and Chris and John flicked a few lures off the rocks near the Club.
Only 2 fish were caught: Frank C the winner with a bream at 0.85kg and Bruce second with a flattie at 0.75kg.
So bait up and see you on 23rd Nov.
Fishing Club Report 26-10-2014
12 fishos took advantage of another fine sunny day.
Winner on the day was John R with 11 flatties totalling 5.5kg and 35.55pts. His largest flattie was 1.1kg. 2nd was Steve with 4 fish, 16.2pts and 3rd Andy with 5 fish, 15.75pts.
But the story of the day was the “one that got away” on True Blue. Apparently in a frantic period John dropped a flattie under the petrol tank!!! Now some hours later after El Capitaine Chris Hoban trailored the boat home and returned for the barbeque John remembered the fish. Now it was 30degrees in the shade, so the quote from John was “well I am disappointed not to weigh it in but under the circumstances Chris can keep it!!”
So bait up and see you on 2nd Nov as we had to change the comp date.
Fishing Club Report 12-10-2014
Yet again another fine sunny day of 28 degrees but with winds increasing to 18knots by mid-morning.
Andy had to get up a little earlier to go fishing with “The Brothers” rather than the later starting time on Kenda. But this early start produced a good catch of flatties from a secret spot just outside the heads.
Winner on the day was Andy with 8 flatties, 3.65kg totalling 16.95points, second Steve, 3 fish, 14.25 points and third Roy, 3 fish, 12points.
Fishing Club Charter 5-10-2014
10 members of the Fishing Club met at 6.30am on the Sunday of the long week-end for a charter. The weather was absolutely fantastic, could not have been better.
We all caught quality fish i.e. snapper, flathead, pigfish, morwong and jackets.
Apart from the good company, excellent fishing and great skipper, the bonus was a whale sighting and a pod of dolphins escorting us out of the Botany Bay Heads.
Fishing Club Report 28-9-2014
Today’s weather was a carbon copy of our previous competition day and to remind you of the phrase “Oh What A Beautiful Morning”.
20 fishos enjoyed several hours sunshine with winds increasing later in the morning.
The winner on the day was Adam, a new member, who caught 7 flatties totalling 5.18kg. Adam fished on True Blue, the skipper only managing 2.95kg of fish.
Now John Ryan, who usually fishes on True Blue, took his own boat out and caught 10 flattties, totalling 4.65kg, making him second on the day. Perhaps there is a message in there John!!
Bruce and Gemma fished inside, Bruce catching 5 fish, totalling 3.75kg BUT one of those fish was a 2.36 flattie. Well done Bruce, third on the day.
Now for a surprise, a happy trio of Frank C, Terry and Bill went out and caught “”0”” fish. Can’t tell you why but ask Frank C.
11 members of the club are going on a charter on 5th October so I will post those pictures later.
So bait up and see you in 2 weeks.
14th September 2014 Fishing Club Report
On the first competition day of the 2014-2015 season, the weather can only be described by borrowing a line from a Rodgers and Hammerstein musical “Oh What A Beautiful Morning”.
13 fishos spent the morning in glorious sunshine either in a boat or land based fishing.
The winner on the day was Frank C with 5.2kg of fish (30.6pts), 2nd Andy with 4.55kg of fish (22.65pts), 3rd Bruce with 2.1kg of fish (15.3pts).
John was fishing on the right side of True Blue, catching 3 kg of flatties, the largest being 1.3kg.
Andy caught the most fish, 8 flatties and 3 leather jackets. Under the new bag limit rules that commence in November this year, he almost reached his bag limit of flatties (new limit 10).
So bait up and see you in two weeks.
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